Home Remedies Are Some of the Best Ways To Prevent Constipation
No one enjoys the feeling of constipation. The pain and discomfort that are the trademark of constipation can creep up on a person very quickly. Very few people have not suffered from a little constipation at one time or another. There’s many factors which can cause a person to suffer from constipation. A lot has to do with a person’s diet and their medical condition. Thankfully, this means that there are a lot of home remedies which can be used to try and alleviate constipation, or prevent it from forming in the first place. A lot of these remedies are focused around fiber, but there’s more to avoiding constipation than just eating a bunch of fiber. Overall health is important and a lot of home remedies will focus on this aspect. Feel free to try these home remedies in the search for constipation prevention and relief.
1 - Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has a mild laxative effect and can help people relieve and prevent constipation. Herbal options have been popular for healing for centuries and they are especially good for people who are having digestive issues. There are some other herbs which can have the same sort of effect as aloe vera. Others can help in a purely preventative manner through a variety of different compounds. Really, herbal remedies are a great option.
2 - Prunes
Everyone knows about the laxative effects of prunes, but really they are the star representative of a number of different natural laxatives which can assist a person and should make it into a person’s diet. Other options include psyllium husk and flaxseed. These can help a person if they are already constipated, or they can manage to help prevent a person from becoming constipated in the first place.
3 - Water
Yes, simply drinking water is a great home remedy for constipation. The level of hydration has a direct response to how constipated a person can become. In addition, being well hydrated will benefit people and promote good digestive health in general. The old adage of “8 glasses of water per day” isn’t technically correct, but it’s a good goal to aim for. It should be noted that some other liquids like vegetable juices or herbal teas can also be a good way to properly hydrate.
4 - Exercise
It may sound odd, but exercise is a wonderful home remedy to help and prevent constipation. When a person exercises, they stimulate the digestive process. In turn, this keeps the body from becoming constipated. There’s a lot of different exercise goals that people have, but a good baseline can be around 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. This can be as simple as 5 days of just 30 minutes of moderate exercise at a time. Make sure you don’t overdo it when you are starting up with your exercise routine, as you run an additional risk of injury at that time. Take it slow and build up to benefit your digestive health.
5 - Yogurt
Yogurt is absolutely packed full of probiotics and microorganisms which do an outstanding job of promoting gut health and avoiding constipation. The balance of bacteria inside of the gut is tricky and if thrown off, it can be a problem. Other foods can also provide you with a high level of probiotics. Consider foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and some other fermented items if you’re trying to get yourself good bacteria for gut health.
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