Tea is Delicious But Also Has Many Benefits

People have been drinking tea for thousands of years. It’s not just because tea can be delicious. Different teas have a lot of health benefits that might not be recognized by people who are just drinking it because it’s a tasty way to warm up and relax. Each form of tea tends to have their own different set of benefits, with some being universal. So whether you drink white tea, herbal tea, green tea, black tea or others, you’re still in for some good effects. It should be noted that this is really only referring to classic teas. Many of the newfound teas or tea lattes coming from chain restaurants are actually not beneficial at all. They have so much added sugar that almost all the benefits end up being removed from the tea. This article will look at some of the main health benefits that tea has to offer. 

1 - Energy Boost

As many people know, many tea options contain the same energy boosting properties as coffee. However, this is typically in smaller, more moderate amounts. This makes tea a better option to have throughout the day. In addition, tea (green tea especially) is often full of extra amino acids that slow the absorption of this substance. This means that you’ll get a slower more consistent release and won’t suffer from a peak and then a crash when it’s done. 

2 - Heart Health

Heart health is one of those things which is always undergoing more studies. Some recent ones have shown that tea has some excellent anti-inflammatory properties which really helps blood circulation and can reduce the chance of blood clots. This in turn reduces the chance of a person suffering from a heart attack. Anything that a person can ingest to help reduce the chances of serious heart problems is something that we should probably drink more of. 

3 - Mental Health Benefits

Tea is packed full of antioxidants. This means that they can really help cells avoid suffering from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is something which has been linked with people who suffer from depression, dementia and Parkinson’s disease. Regular tea drinkers tend to suffer from lowered oxidative stress, which helps to reduce the decline that many people deal with as they suffer from these conditions.

4 - Digestion Benefits

Tea can be helpful for people who are suffering from digestive issues or poor gut health. One of the best versions to help with digestion is ginger tea. This herbal tea is a long term home remedy for a number of conditions, but it really helps to soothe an upset stomach and reduce nausea and potential vomiting. Another option is peppermint tea. Peppermint tea is also chock full of antioxidants. 

5 - Assist Blood Sugar Maintenance

People who suffer from Diabetes are always looking for items which can assist them in keeping their blood sugar levels at the correct amount. It’s most common for blood sugar levels to get too high. In some cases, it’s been shown that black tea can help to keep blood sugar levels from increasing too much after a person has eaten a meal. Black tea has antioxidants as well as helps to fight inflammation. While black tea is often not considered as beneficial as green tea or herbal teas, it really thrives when it comes to managing blood sugar. 

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